What is Motion Graphics?
Just like how rice is a quintessential part of every Asian household meal, motion graphics likewise can transform your marketing content into a more engaging and satisfying experience. With exponential advancements in our technologically driven world, statistics have shown that technology adoption has improved the overall operations of businesses by 41% and has improved sales and marketing by 38%. Furthermore, emerging technologies will be at the forefront of cushioning businesses from the effects of the pandemic. As such, it is vital that businesses are able to utilize technology to boost their audience attraction and stand out from the rest of the competition. With the rise of a variety of platforms to produce marketing content, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok you may ask how to make your content more engaging for your online audiences. And that would be with motion graphics! Why you may ask? Well not only are they great for capturing your audience’s attention, but also they come in forms that are easily recognizable by the majority of people. Not to mention, animations can also help brands to seem more approachable, relatable, and welcoming.
As such, we have compiled 6 ways to improve your marketing strategy with motion graphics.
Animated Logos
Also referred to as production logos or vanity cards, animated logos are a simple way to spice up your branding material, event booths, or email signatures. They are extremely versatile and help to paint a picture in your audiences’ head of your brand’s story by putting it into action. Moreover, with a few extra seconds of screentime, it serves as a surefire way to boost brand name recall.
UI/UX Walkthroughs
I’m sure all of us are guilty of picking up a new hobby like drawing, learning how to play the guitar, or even cooking, but soon gave up 2 weeks after because it was a lot harder than expected. New things and experiences can be scary and difficult to get used to, hence user interface walkthroughs are so crucial. The user interface (UI) is where humans interact with a computer, website, or application, as the purpose of an effective UI is to make it simple, easy, and intuitive for the user to navigate through. However, no matter how effective your user interface might be, motion graphics never hurt to make the process even more streamlined for your user.
Taken from https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/kinetic-typography-examples/
Kinetic Typography
Often referred to as animated typography, kinetic typography is an animated technique to capture attention, set the tone, and engage audiences. Nowadays, it can be easily spotted on music videos, websites, and commercials. More often than non-audio-visual descriptions get a very short time to impress the viewer, thus, with kinetic typography, you can not only retain your audience’s attention but also effectively express your brand’s image and impart the right message through it.
Taken from https://dribbble.com/shots/3893315-Hello-Dribbble
Animated Titles for Videos
The above-animated title is also known as a lower third and it exists to give some context to those who are viewing. They are used to emphasize statements, pointers to a specific feature, or introduce a topic or a person. Technically, animated titles also fall under the broad category of kinetic typography. But what makes them special is their ability to be composited or placed over the existing video footage. Animated titles can indeed bring your video to life, be it in a funky music video or corporate production. Mainly used in intros, outros, and even in between video segments, they help to set the mood of the video, therefore, engaging the audience.
Taken from https://motiondesign.school/courses/animated-loops-with-james-curran/
Animated Graphic Loops
Animated graphic loops are short animations that loop continuously and consist of illustrated text or images. Its eye-catching nature helps to draw the attention of viewers and admire its various details. An animated pre-loader is an example of an animated graphic loop commonly used in user interfaces such as websites and apps. They simply help in buying time for website users, ensuring they do not get bored or angry while waiting for the next page to load.
Product Explainers
It can be difficult to explain a boatload of information within a couple of words and images. When all fails, animated product explanation videos can get the job done. A simple motion graphics video allows you to share a comprehensive story of your brand and can be displayed on your website’s page or as a video ad. It acts like an easy and interactive way for newcomers to learn more about your brand and how your business can help prospective customers. You can include music and sound effects, as well as animations and visuals to communicate your idea in the most memorable way possible.
In conclusion, motion graphics is an effective way for content marketers to convey data-rich and complex information in a simplified and understandable way. The dynamic nature of your content will also draw your digital audience in and improve their retention time. Once your audience has a clearer understanding of your brands’ information and process, they will be able to make better connections between what your brand does and how their needs can be fulfilled.